Empower every Microsoft family to achieve their best health

Reinvent and personalize the healthcare experience
Using best-in-class processes and information to provide ideal personalized care with the right information to do the right thing for every patient, every time.
One team of health professionals working together from primary care, physical therapy, mental health, coaching, and care navigation. Our providers, deliver measurement-based care for better and faster health outcomes.
At Living Well Health Center, you’ll develop an ongoing relationship with an inter-disciplinary care team you can trust. Together, we will address your health concerns and look at your health history, environment, and unique circumstances that affect your complete wellbeing. While the health center offers a plethora of services on campus, if you need care within the community, we’ll help you with that every step of the way. We’re creating health as it should be—connected, without barriers, all in one place, and available in-person and via virtual care. How you receive care should be your choice.
At the Living Well Health Center, we strive to provide you with an uplifting and engaging experience so you have all the support and tools you need to stay well. Our team of health experts from different backgrounds are ready to serve you and your unique needs.
Do I need to be a Microsoft employee to visit Living Well Health Center?
The Living Well Health Center is accessible to Employees and their eligible Dependents on a Microsoft Health Plan (Premera and Kaiser).
How do I schedule an appointment?
The Living Well Health Center offers many different services. While the majority can be scheduled via the Portal, you will find the appropriate scheduling link in the corresponding service page under the ‘Find Care’ tab. You may also call us at (425) 216-0550 to speak with a care team representative for scheduling and questions.
I am a former Microsoft Employee, how do I get my records?
1) Email LWHChost@crossoverhealth.com requesting your records.
2) Fax the completed Crossover ROI form to (425) 216-0551
Fill out a Crossover ROI in person at LWHC building 21 of the Microsoft campus and pick them up in person
(ROI: Release of Information)